Friday, April 17, 2009

UC Academic Advisors Conference (UCAAC)

Thanks to Cindy and Christina for sharing that UCSD will be hosting the UC Academic Advisors Conference (UCAAC) from April 29 - May 1.

Woo hoo!

And congrats to them for volunteering to serve on planning commitees for the conference. A round of applause to them--Cindy serving on the Prizes and Giveaways Committee and Christina on the Logsistics Committee.

Thanks for sharing and let us know how the networking tips worked out.

Credit for classes

Did you get credit for your UExplore classes?

Altogether, you should have gotten credit for these Career Connection and Staff Ed classes:
Campus Resources/Tools for Success
Career Planning
Assessing Your Transferable Skills

Also, for these Career Field Overview and Career Panel presentations:
Human Resources
Administrative Support
Student Affairs
Financial Administration
Academic Personnel

Please check your enrollment credits and let me know if you did not get credit for these sessions

Tip from Taylor

Thank you to Taylor Haglund for pointing out an additional networking resource via the UCSD JobsList. This list is sent out every Friday to individuals subscribed to the UCSD Campus Employment Opportunities Bulletin.

Please go to in order subscribe.
