Thursday, March 26, 2009

Build A Star Job Application!

I learned so much this month about resumes, cover letters, and references this month.

And, Wes and I have culled that information together to bring you this one-page handout.

Check out "Build a Star Resume!"

How do you format a cover letter?

And, from Sharecase's resume workshop, I also got tips on how to write a cover letter.

Check it out!

Sample Star Resumes

You have spoken.

We have answered.

I recently attended two resume writing workshops, and I am here to share the goodies with all of you.

From the March 2009 Career Connection workshop, I received this winning example of a resume for Mary Jane Doe.

From yesterday's presentation, I've got two versions of good resumes: one that's a template and one from Jane Doe.

In general, these resumes can be accessed on the Academic Affairs UExplore website.