Tuesday, December 9, 2008

December 17th Agenda

I live for agendas! I love it when I can know what's comin' 'round the bend, so here's a taste of what's to come.

We'll start of the day with a debrief from last session. This is our time together to ask questions about the topics covered from last month and to share any good news, progress, or professional tips we've had recently. If you've got a question about human resources, please just pitch it to me, and I'll do my best to give you a clear and informative answer.

We've planned for a break after Barry Niman's Career Planning session too, and for a 5-minute stand and stretch to get the juices flowin' again.

We'll close with the Administrative Support Career Information Panel, with time allotted for questions, beginning shortly past noon.

Back to the Seuss Room

We're going back to where it all started....

Please note that the location for next week's UExplore session focusing on Career Planning and the Administrative Support career field is at the Geisel Library, Seuss Room.


Online Enrollment for Presentations on Wednesday, Dec 17th!

Good Tuesday morning!

Here are the online links to enroll for the Career Planning and the Administrative Support Career Field Overview and Career Information Panel.

By enrolling, you may receive credit for attending these presentations on your educational history recorded by Staff Education and Development.

Career Planning:

Administrative Support Career Field Overview and Career Information Panel:

See you next Wednesday!

Linda, your UExplore Program Coordinator