Tuesday, February 17, 2009

TIP: The S.T.A.R Method

You all have great ideas!

In the evaluations for last month's session, one of you pointed out that using the S.T.A.R. Method would be a good technique for answering questions during an interview.
  • SITUATION - give an example of a SITUATION you were involved in that resulted in a positive outcome
  • TASK - describe the TASKS involved in that situation
  • ACTION - talk about the various ACTIONS involved in the situation's task
  • RESULTS - what RESULTS directly followed because of your actions

As an extension of that idea, it's also a good tip to use the S.T.A.R. method for your professional portfolio. For example, start by anticipating a question you might be asked in the interview for that career field. Then, think about an experience that answers that question. Try to describe the experience using the S.T.A.R Method. Write it down using the S.T.A.R method. You don't need to write down a long narrative; just write down enough to help jog your memory.

The S.T.A.R. Method is a way for you to effectively respond to behavioral interviewing.

TIP: Your Professional Portfolio

You can now access the Professional Portfolio ideas for career fields in Human Resources and Administrative support via the Academic Affairs UExplore website.

Start by entering the site: http://academicaffairs.ucsd.edu/staffhr/uexplore/2008.htm
Search by UExplore session topic/date
Locate the last bullet item to find the "Professional Portfolio Ideas" for that career field

There are two downloadable versions:
  • Word 97-2003 version---so you can add ideas
  • PDF version

If you have new ideas like Jill mentioned at last month's meeting (about volunteering), please let me know so I can keep our ideas growing.


Online Enrollment for Multiple UExplore Sessions

Good morning!

I hope you all had lovely weekends and are as excited as myself about tomorrow’s presentations featuring the topics:
  • Goal Setting
  • Financial Administration Career Field Overview
  • Financial Administration Career Panel

I’ve included a few links for upcoming UExplore events in February, March, and April.

Please register for all of them.

Goal Setting: https://enrollmentcentral.ucsd.edu/sed_course.cfm?&cdcrs=XCGSETUXPL
Financial Admin: https://enrollmentcentral.ucsd.edu/sed_course.cfm?&cdcrs=XUXPLORFIN

Academic Personnel: https://enrollmentcentral.ucsd.edu/sed_course.cfm?&cdcrs=XUEPLORACD
Your Listening Profile: Link is coming soon

Networking: https://enrollmentcentral.ucsd.edu/sed_course.cfm?&cdcrs=XNITPSUXPL
Program Admin: https://enrollmentcentral.ucsd.edu/sed_course.cfm?&cdcrs=XUXPLORPRG

***If these links do not work for you, please just sign in on the hardcopy sheet so that we can record your attendance