Friday, January 9, 2009

SCOOP: Career Connection's Mentorship Program

It's here!

If you haven't already heard by being on the Career Connection listserve, the newly revamped website for the Mentorship Website is 'live and kickin'.

Jorge Rios, a featured UExplore guest presenter in October, manages the Mentorship Program. If your interested in being or having a mentor, give this website a try and follow up with Jorge to find the right match.

The original email is pasted below.

Hello from Career Connection!

As you may know, Career Connection offers a Mentorship Program to UCSD staff who are looking to improve their technical skills, increase self-confidence and organizational visibility intended for retention and promotion. This program also benefits mentors as they gain coaching skills and the satisfaction of sharing their knowledge, skills, and experience.

If you are interested in becoming a mentor or mentee, please visit our newly launched
Mentorship Website and create an online profile so that we can identify someone who most closely fits your occupational goals and objectives.

For those who have been a mentor/mentee in the past and would like to continue, please create a new online profile as well.

Thank you,
Jorge Rios
Kelly Hermanson
Christine Xu
Career Connection


UExplore makin' the news

UExplore was recently highlighted in Career Connection's year-end message to its members and affiliates.

The message went out to over 2,000 UC San Diego community members.

The original message was sent out via email, and we've put up a link to the message on our UExplore website:


January 21st Agenda