Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hoorah for Student Affairs!

UExplore Student Affairs Career Panel Facilitator, Rafael Acevedo, has rolled out the details on the first-ever UCSD Graduate Staff Mini-conference!

If you work with Student Affairs and you haven't yet received your EVITE, please contact Erin Burgoon.


Surfing the Waves of Change
Monday, August 31, 20098:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Light lunch and refreshments provided!
Institute of the Americas: Weaver Conference Room

As Graduate Staff, we have cultivated some informal relationships with each other, but the opportunities are scarce and brief -- often the result of chance, divisional memberships, OGS sponsored meetings, etc. -- and sometimes we don't get a chance to talk to each other for months. Who do you call at 4:15 when you are suddenly faced with a new (to you) and critical student or administrative crisis? Who do you trust with the stupid questions?

Our goal is to create a venue that not only facilitates information sharing and networking, but also empowers UCSD Graduate Staff to better manage "more with less" as we start an academic year filled with unknown challenges in graduate student affairs. With a strong sense of support from our peers, and an organized network of resources, we will truly be able to meet every crisis as an opportunity.A program will be specifically developed and presented by Human Recourses Staff Member Dr. Bernadette Han and small group discussion sessions will be conducted to address your top concerns.

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