Friday, May 22, 2009

Survey Monkey!

What did you think?
Your Professional Portfolio
Rosemarie Mirano-Del Mar

Communications & External Relations

Career Field Overview and Career Information Panel
Suzi Sterner, Sarah Andrade, Portia Bibb

Thank you for filling our your surveys!!!!

Happy Memorial Day!

In honor of those individuals who have served in the military and given their lives in that service, the University will be closed to commemorate Memorial Day.

Our First Jobs

Oh! I had so much fun learning about your first jobs! I know Rosemarie used it as an exercise to get us thinking about the range and quality of our work experiences, and I look back and think: "Oh, the places we've been!"

I added a sidebar to capture the variety of our beginnings in the work world. I missed out on hearing Kimberly's and Jamie's, though.

So, Jamie and Kimberly, chime in with a comment or an email to us. Let us hear what your first jobs were.

Congrats to Christina and Crystal

Rah! Rah! Rah!

Congratulations to Christina Knerr and Crystal Warning for being selected as participants to the School of Medicine Human Resources A-Z.

The 13-month program is a robust one featuring sessions about:
* Preparing the Job Description
* Recruitment and Hiring
* Employment
* Salary and Compensation
* Benefits
* Performance Management
* Payroll
* Separations
* Risk and Safety
* Worklife and Wellness
* Records Management
* Employee Development
* Workplace Interaction
* Communication
* Financial Overview
* Academic Personnel Overview
* Academic Compensation

Program Administration Q & A

Q: Are program administration jobs focused solely in areas of grant and/or self-sustaining programs?

A: The majority of program administration positions support extramurally-funded or self-supporting programs. There is a small number of program representative positions that support state-funded programs, an example of which would be the program representatives that administer interdisciplinary majors such as Chinese Studies and International Studies.