Friday, January 30, 2009

TIP: The Online Job Description Library

And, a-ha!

There were some great ideas and questions in the responses I've read so far. For example, a question asking about short job descriptions for the different job levels in a specific career field.

I'll admit that I am not an expert in classification analysis, but I do know where the experts work and, better yet, where they keep their work.


The Online Job Description Library is a great resource for you to surf the whole gammut of job descriptions at UC San Diego. By accessing this Library, you can screen job descriptions based on:
* title code
* working title
* incumbent name
* supervisor name
* department name
* Vice Chancellor unit

So, to answer the question:
How do I get short job descriptions for the different job levels in a specific career field?

One answer:
1) Log in to the Online Job Description Library
2) Find out the title codes of the career field series using the Title & Pay Plan
3) Input a title code into the Online Job Description Library
a. to narrow the search, input data into the other optional fields
4) Click "Retrieve Selections" to bring up a list of job descriptions that meet the search criteria
5) Repeat step 3 and 4 using other title codes in the career field series

Instead of using title codes, you can use working titles. For example, if you have an interest in human resources, key words like "personnel" or "human resources" would be useful. If you have an interest in financial administration, key words like "fiscal" or "financial" are options. Likewise, "student", "advisor", or "academic" could bring up relevant hits.

No Monkeying Around

Thank you so much for everyone's great response to the Survey Monkey!

Your responses are very important and really do help us craft a program that meets your needs.

You're fantastic!!!

'Nuff said.