Friday, May 29, 2009

MBTI Homework

Take initiative to make UExplore work for you!

Consider completing the following readings and exercises prior to June 17th that were assigned by John Gates:

  • Read the chapter devoted to your type in Do What You Are
  • Complete the exercises in Chapter 24

In the chapter devoted to your type:

  • 3 profiles of career professionals with that type
  • why those careers work for that person
  • common threads and themes in their chosen professions
  • what career satisfaction means for them
  • popular occupations for that type
  • customizing your job search
  • pathways to success by using your strengths
  • possible pitfalls
  • the final piece: changing or keeping your job...the key to success for your type

In chapter 24, the idea is to put it all together so that you match your personality to a career that you can looooove. That chapter breaks down that plan into 10 simple-and-easy steps. I've scanned those steps, and we've steadily been working through those steps via UExplore. Now, is your chance to review what you've accomplished through the program and put it all together.

  • Step 1: Identify your unique personality strengths and weaknesses (Resource ideas: Do What Your Are chapter devoted to your personality type; handout from Your Listening Profile)
  • Step 2: Identify and rank your work-related strengths and weaknesses (Resource ideas: Handout from Assessing Your Transferable Skills; Your Professional Portfolio)
  • Step 3: Record and evaluate your criteria for career satisfaction (Resource ideas: Handouts from Career Planning)
  • Step 4: Record your observations of specific situations where your current or past jobs met your career satisfacton criteria (Resource ideas: Your Professional Portfolio)
  • Step 5: Think about your strongest interests, as in what activities do you enjoy so much that you would do them for free (Resource ideas: Handout from Goal Setting)
  • Step 6: Identify your skills (Resource ideas: Checklist inside Do What You Are)
  • Step 7: Generate a list of possible careers or jobs that are of interest to you at this point (Resource ideas: Career Field Overviews and Career Panels)
  • Step 8: Analyze each career option asking: how well does it make use of your best skills and abilities; how well does it make use of my work-related strengths; and how well does it meet my top five criteria for career satisfaction? (Resource ideas: Career Field Overviews and Career Panels; Your Professional Portfolio;
  • Step 9: Research your potential career options (Resource ideas: Career Field Overviews and Career Panels)
  • Step 10: Celebrate your successes (Resource ideas: Your Professional Portfolio)


Questions about MBTI?

We introduced you to the MBTI tool and type theory almost 9 months ago. By assessing your own personality type and knowledge of your preferences for taking in information, making decisions, and attitudes in interacting with your environment, you gained additional tools for understanding and identifying your natural interests and work values.

In June, we'll be revisiting MBTI and type theory. This is another chance for you to evaluate how your type connects to a best‐fit career.

To make this session work for you, what essential questions do you want to be addressed by our guest presenter, Grace Balch?

What is it that you'd like to learn more about in order to help you identify and meet your professional goals?

Email me and call me with what we can do to make this an effective session for you!

Enroll for credit


drum roll, please!

Enroll for credit for IT, Laboratory Research, and Facilities Management by visiting this link:

NOTICE: There is a current error with this link where you will be placed on "Standby". Enroll anyway. I am working on fixing it.

What do you want to know about IT, Lab Research, and Facilities Management?

Great news!

For next month's session, we've got three career field overviews.

It will be a jam-packed session and to make the most of our time, our speakers welcome your questions ahead of time.

Do you have questions for:

Debbie Morrow -- System Administrator, Literature
Erica Stein -- Staff Research Associate, Division of Biological Sciences
Erwin Milan -- Asst Dir of Operations and Facilities, Rady School of Management

If so, bring 'em on! Email