Monday, November 24, 2008

UExplore vs. Pancake Breakfast?

Oh my goodness! The All Staff Holiday Pancake Breakfast is the same day as UExplore's spotlight on Career Planning and the Administrative Support Career Field.

No need to worry, though: The UExplore session is still on, starting at 8:30am at Geisel Library, Seuss Room.

And, we're serving up our own breakfast treats:
* Scrambled eggs
* Home-fried potatoes
* Choice of bacon or sausage links
* Assortment of breakfast pastries and muffins
* Seasonal fresh fruit display
* Orange juice
* Starbucks coffee
* Decaf
* Numi organic teas
* Cocoa assortment
* Cold Water

Tip: If you choose the first breakfast session, that'll end by 8:15am and you can take a hop, skip, and a jump on over to the Geisel Library, Seuss Room for UExplore!

Now Download-able!

Now, at the tip of your fingers, you can download PDF versions of November 19th's UExplore workshop presentations:

* Tools for Success presented by Jorge Rios
* Careers at UC San Diego presented by Marcele Maia
* Human Resources Career Field Overview and Career Information Panel presented by Francesco Carusi, Michael Yates, Katie Spencer, and Maria Din

Also, you can access the UExplore's customized handouts about additional classes you may take to learn more about human resources:

* Human resources classes via Staff Education & Development and Career Connection
* Human resources certificate via UC San Diego Extension

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