Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Resource

We haven't even taken the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) yet, but we've got a preview of what's to come at the October 15th session for the debriefing. The book, Do What You Are by Paul D. Tieger and Barbara Barron-Tieger.

WELCOME ORIENTATION (September 18, 2008)

The UExplore Welcome Orientation is ready, set, and go for this Thursday, September 18th, and it promises to be an exciting time. We are all excited about welcoming our inaugural class of participants, whose breadth of experience, motivation, curiosity, and committment to personal professional development are are to be commended. Get ready to have a good time, with an introduction from Assistant Vice Chancellor Debbie McGraw, followed by--you guessed it--an ice breaker! We're really looking foward to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator--not just because it segues to the Mexican Fiesta Buffet, but because knowing your personality type can help you with career planning at every stage in your professional development.