Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Point of View with Scott Paulson

We have a celebrity in our midsts, and I'd like to be the first in line to get his autograph!

Scott Paulson has made headlines once again, with a feature article on UC San Diego Blink's homepage. And, it's a goooood article, with great insights into the life and times of our dear friend.

Like, did you know that Scott was the live-in cook for Roger Revelle. Or, that he hosts a monthly live chamber music series and screens 16mm silent films?

We already knew that Scott takes requests to play the campus carillon, but did you knw that he was officially named the "University Carillonneur" by none other than the then-Chancellor Richard Atkinson himself?

And, who can resist an article with a picture of Scott with a rubber ducky? I knew I couldn't.

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