Tuesday, September 30, 2008

These lovely books...

Hi Everyone! These books are moving like hotcakes! Come by and pick up your copy! If I'm not here, just sign the sheet and take one to go.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Welcome Orientation 2008 Pictures

Panelist Shirley Higgins (left) with Participants Cheryle Wills, Crystal Warning, and Michelle Viernes

Bev Strobl is a UExplore career information panelist. She works in the Office of the Senior Vice Chancellor, and you'll see her at December 17th's Administrative Support information session.

Katie Spencer (left) will be a presenter at Nov 19th's HR session. You'll see Carol Schrammel (right) on April 15th's Program Administration career information panel.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Have you got yours yet?

I can't pull myself away from Do What You Are--the complimentary book that UExplore participants can pick up at 106 University Center.

I'm just guessing about my personality type, but when I thumb through all the chapter headings, I want to be all of them!

Afterall, don't these sound good to you?
The Public Relations Specialists (ENFJ)
Life's Entrepreneurs (ENTP)
Catalysts for Positive Change (INFJ)
Doing the Best I Can With What I've Got (ISTP)
It's the Thought That Counts (ISFP)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Speak Out!

Check out the survey to your left, and let us know what you want. Whenever there's a new article or entry, how do you want to find out about it?

Lots to Come: Articles of Upcoming Guest Presenters

A great, new feature that we'll be adding to our online community site is a "Home-grown" series, spotlighting the guest presenters you'll be meeting over the course of these next 9 months.

These guest speakers are UC San Diego staff professionals, and this introduction will be a jumping-off point for you to:
1) get to know each other
2) prepare questions you'll want to ask him/her individually

Be on the lookout for the next "Home-grown" in the next couple of weeks.

Ready for pick up!

The book, Do What You Are: Discover The Perfect Career For You Through The Secrets Of Your Personality Type, has arrived!

A complimentary copy for each UExplore participant is available at UExplore's office headquarters--otherwise known as 106 University Center.

A complimentray copy will also be distributed to UExplore facilitators and panelists during the October 15th MBTI debriefing.

You'll see either Linda or Wes to pick up your copy. You can come by:
Tuesday, 7:30am-11:30am; 1:30pm-2:00pm; 3:00pm-4:00pm
Wednesday: 7:30am-:10:30am; 11:45am-4:00pm
Thursday: 7:30am-4:00pm
Friday: 7:30am-4:00pm

The book is a fun read, and it includes the professional bios of folks who have personalities just like you. I liked how I could read profiles of real people and get information on why those careers work for them (and for me?). The information is detailed, but not overwhelming. The book gives lots of insight on what careers would be satisfying and enriching for all kinds of personality types.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Kick Off To An Exciting Year Ahead...

They’re Here! They’re Here!

First to arrive on the scene was Jamie Sung, UExplore Participant, who hails from NanoEngineering. She was greeted by the UExplore Welcoming Committee (i.e. Linda Thai Schlossman and Wes Kovarik) with a customized “Jamie Sung” reusable UExplore nametag (note: bring these back to each monthly session).
We'd been eagerly awaiting the arrival of this inaugural group of 25 participants. From philosophy to physical sciences, from engineering to Extension, this diverse group of 25 impressed us with their motivation to identify a compatible UC San Diego career field and commitment to personal professional development.

Only announced about two months ago, there was a high level of interest in the program. We received a substantial number of applications, and it was a tough decision to whittle it down to a smaller group of 25. Since the nature of UExplore is to help UC San Diego staff members make educated decisions regarding their professional goals, we would have loved to have offered each applicant a spot in the program. Ultimately, though, given space constraints and the positive learning environment that we wanted to support, it was only possible to invite a fraction of those who applied.

Opening Remarks
Facing an audience of about 45, Assistant Vice Chancellor Debbie McGraw welcomed the participants, UExplore Program Committee, and the UExplore Career Information Facilitators and Panelists in attendance.

Offering generous and hearty congratulations, she also shared the history of the program’s development, the importance of succession planning and knowledge transfer. Lastly, she imparted some very important words of wisdom—“Have Fun!”—to which the audience replied with open smiles, nodding heads, and loose laughs and giggles.

Birth Order, Birth Month, and Books
All I have to say about this is:
**I am the middle of 3 kids—one older sister, one younger brother. **I was born in February—say it aloud: “Feb-brew-rare-ree” **And, well...I’ll skip what book I last read and, instead, reiterate: “I was born in Feb-brew-rare-ree”

In all semi-seriousness, what a fantastically diverse group of folks we are? We’re reading the whole gambit of literature—from Mark Plummer’s All Quiet on the Western Front or Cheryl Will’s Anna Karenina to Bobb Barile’s selection on zombies, World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War.

It was fantastic getting to know each other, putting more pieces of the puzzle together in what promises to be a great adventure ahead…

Thursday, September 18, 2008

It's Alive!

Good morning, UExplore participants and volunteers! This long-awaited day has arrived, it's an exciting beginning! Enjoy the introductions, the MBTI, and keep posted to our online community site.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Resource

We haven't even taken the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) yet, but we've got a preview of what's to come at the October 15th session for the debriefing. The book, Do What You Are by Paul D. Tieger and Barbara Barron-Tieger.

WELCOME ORIENTATION (September 18, 2008)

The UExplore Welcome Orientation is ready, set, and go for this Thursday, September 18th, and it promises to be an exciting time. We are all excited about welcoming our inaugural class of participants, whose breadth of experience, motivation, curiosity, and committment to personal professional development are are to be commended. Get ready to have a good time, with an introduction from Assistant Vice Chancellor Debbie McGraw, followed by--you guessed it--an ice breaker! We're really looking foward to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator--not just because it segues to the Mexican Fiesta Buffet, but because knowing your personality type can help you with career planning at every stage in your professional development.