Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The versatility of MBTI!

Courtesy of Carol Schrammel--our UExplore facilitator for our April 15, 2009 session--we bring to you a neat, little tidbit about how the MBTI is being used by Champlain College in Burlington, VT to help incoming freshman, resident assistants, and other officials to establish rules for a shared room and deal with potential conflicts.


Champlain College began requiring all of its incoming students to complete the MBTI before arriving on campus as part of a newly launched “life skills” program.

While the students are not informed of their individual results when completing roommate agreements, they are asked to self-identity with their perceived personality when getting to know their roommates.

Then, later on in the semester, if conflict arises between roommates, this information can be used by resident assistants to mediate a resolution.

According to a representative of the publishing company for the MBTI, “The MBTI helps people understand their differences and appreciate them. It’s not about saying this person does this correctly or incorrectly. If you have this preference and I have another preference, how can we live together?”

What do you think about using the MBTI in this way?

Would you have wanted to know this information as a freshman?


Friday, December 19, 2008

Career Planning with Barry Niman

Barry Niman and Tehseen Lazzouni discuss the merits of keeping a job journal. Barry introduced the idea of keeping a job journal and said that data from the job journal can be used:
* to identify present skills and those for future development
* as a basis for upgrading your job description
* to identify what you like and dislike about your job tasks and about your work environment
* as information to include in your performance evaluation

Tehseen has been steadily keeping a job journal and already found it useful as a tool for self-evaluation and performance review. Macy Huynh, Christina Knerr, and Alexis O'Banion teamed up in a small group exercise. They each had 30 seconds to describe what they liked most about their job.
Meanwhile, Brian Pierini and Mark Plummer did the same as they talked about what they liked most in their jobs at Geisel Library and CalIT2, respectively.

Scott Paulson, Jane Peterson, and Richard Baran pondered the same question. Each work in different areas within Academic Affairs, so they benefitted from each others' experiences working in the Libraries, Stuart Collection, and UC Extension.

Afterwards, results were shared by volunteers, and we found some common themes to what we find most enjoyable in our jobs:

1) people--working with others, meeting new people, having one-on-one interaction

2) impact--being helpful, accomplishing goals

3) freedom and independence--in work responsibilities, to take initiative, etc

The list could've gone on and on. This is just how far we got in about 5 minutes!

Now Download-able!

Woo hoo!

You can now download PDF versions of December 17th's UExplore workshop presentations:

* Career Planning presented by Barry Niman
* Administrative Support Career Field Overview presented by Mo Latimer
* Administrative Support Career Information Panel presented by Bev Strobl, Shirley Higgins, and Mo Latimer

You can also access UExplore's customized handouts about additional classes you may take to learn more about administrative support:
* Administrative Support classes via Staff Education & Development

Just visit: http://academicaffairs.ucsd.edu/staffhr/uexplore/2008.htm


Happy Holidays

Happiest of holidays from your friends at UExplore!

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Every one of your opinions count!

Check out Survey Monkey, and let us know what you thought about yesterday's workshops.

CAREER PLANNING with Barry Niman (December 17, 2008)

ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT CAREER FIELD OVERVIEW & INFO PANEL with Bev Strobl, Shirley Higgins, Mo Latimer (December 17, 2008)


Friday, December 12, 2008

Did you enroll?

Just a click away....

Career Planning:

Admin Support


What questions do you have brewing for our panelists this month?

We're featuring 3 speakers this month. They are professional experts who hold positions at the top of their field and come from different areas of campus.

We've got Bev Strobl from the Office of the Senior Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs; Shirley Higgings from the Geisel Library; Mo from the Jacobs School of Engineering.

They will and share information about:
* their career path
* the work that they currently do
* the resources they accessed and the choices they made to get to where they are today
* their professional advice

Take advantage of this opportunity to ask these important players about their work in front of and behind the scenes...


Career Planning...preview

For those with an extra eager heart, we've posted the PDF versions of the handouts for Barry Niman's Career Planning workshop on the UExplore website.

Check them out at: http://academicaffairs.ucsd.edu/staffhr/uexplore/2008.htm

We'll have the color copies of the presentation ready for you on Wednesday!


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

December 17th Agenda

I live for agendas! I love it when I can know what's comin' 'round the bend, so here's a taste of what's to come.

We'll start of the day with a debrief from last session. This is our time together to ask questions about the topics covered from last month and to share any good news, progress, or professional tips we've had recently. If you've got a question about human resources, please just pitch it to me, and I'll do my best to give you a clear and informative answer.

We've planned for a break after Barry Niman's Career Planning session too, and for a 5-minute stand and stretch to get the juices flowin' again.

We'll close with the Administrative Support Career Information Panel, with time allotted for questions, beginning shortly past noon.

Back to the Seuss Room

We're going back to where it all started....

Please note that the location for next week's UExplore session focusing on Career Planning and the Administrative Support career field is at the Geisel Library, Seuss Room.


Online Enrollment for Presentations on Wednesday, Dec 17th!

Good Tuesday morning!

Here are the online links to enroll for the Career Planning and the Administrative Support Career Field Overview and Career Information Panel.

By enrolling, you may receive credit for attending these presentations on your educational history recorded by Staff Education and Development.

Career Planning:

Administrative Support Career Field Overview and Career Information Panel:

See you next Wednesday!

Linda, your UExplore Program Coordinator

Friday, December 5, 2008

Home-Grown Spotlight: Bev Strobl

A day in the life of Bev Strobl can be easily described with one word: Juggle—with a capital “J.” As the Executive Assistant to the Senior Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs (SVCAA) for the past 9 years, Bev manages the workload and schedule for one of the campus’ most influential and sought-after leaders.

The amount of activity that Bev coordinates is staggering. Just imagine: over 2000 high-level conferences, seminars, special events, and meetings a year. Add to that: on average, Bev reschedules six other meetings in order to fit in another meeting. Then, take into account that Bev also researches and prepares the back-up materials for these meetings and coordinates the domestic and international travel involved with these activities too. It’s a whirlwind of tactful calls, skillful emails, and keen interpersonal communication that gets the job done. Correction: well­-done and served with a smile.

As the Executive Assistant, Bev also enjoys serving as a key liaison between the SVCAA and the Chancellor, Vice Chancellors, Deans, Provosts, Chairs, faculty, community organizations, Regents, Office of the President, and other campuses and members of the SVCAA staff. Looking at the “big picture,” the work that Bev coordinates with these professional leaders fosters the growth and long-lasting health of the University.

The key support role that Bev plays as the Executive Assistant to the SVCAA is a match for her organizational talents and her satisfaction in “working behind the scenes, rather than being in the limelight.” Bev’s parents instilled in her the “sense of strong work ethic and doing a good job no matter what the task might be.” Afterall, she advises, “Enjoy what you are doing. If you don’t, find another line of work.” And, for Bev, it’s a situation that she says “works well for me.”

Bev’s 20+ years in the field of administrative support is a testament to the fact that she feels rewarded by the profession she’s chosen. It can be like a miniature White House with the massive number of priorities, schedules, meetings, and visitors that call for the attention of the SVCAA; however, with Bev’s reliable brand of patience, perseverance, and professionalism, good order and good organization prevail.

For more information about Bev, ask her questions at the December 17th career information panel.

In the meantime, here are some more fun facts:

#1 On a Saturday, you’ll most like find Bev tending to her garden
#2 Work philosophy: “Be organized and never procrastinate!”
#3 Bev is the middle child in a family with one older sister and one younger brother
#4 Bev's first entry-level job in the administrative support was as the Assistant to the Director of Personnel at SDSU Foundation
#5 Before she came to the Office of the SVCAA, Bev was the Executive Assistant to Dr. David Schanzlin at the UCSD Shiley Eye Center

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!

Monday, November 24, 2008

UExplore vs. Pancake Breakfast?

Oh my goodness! The All Staff Holiday Pancake Breakfast is the same day as UExplore's spotlight on Career Planning and the Administrative Support Career Field.

No need to worry, though: The UExplore session is still on, starting at 8:30am at Geisel Library, Seuss Room.

And, we're serving up our own breakfast treats:
* Scrambled eggs
* Home-fried potatoes
* Choice of bacon or sausage links
* Assortment of breakfast pastries and muffins
* Seasonal fresh fruit display
* Orange juice
* Starbucks coffee
* Decaf
* Numi organic teas
* Cocoa assortment
* Cold Water

Tip: If you choose the first breakfast session, that'll end by 8:15am and you can take a hop, skip, and a jump on over to the Geisel Library, Seuss Room for UExplore!

Now Download-able!

Now, at the tip of your fingers, you can download PDF versions of November 19th's UExplore workshop presentations:

* Tools for Success presented by Jorge Rios
* Careers at UC San Diego presented by Marcele Maia
* Human Resources Career Field Overview and Career Information Panel presented by Francesco Carusi, Michael Yates, Katie Spencer, and Maria Din

Also, you can access the UExplore's customized handouts about additional classes you may take to learn more about human resources:

* Human resources classes via Staff Education & Development and Career Connection
* Human resources certificate via UC San Diego Extension

To connect, just click here!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Tools for Success and Careers at UCSD pictures

(l-r) Jane Peterson, Ricardo Escalante, Cindy Hsu, and Kimberly Bondad.

Jill Hartmann posing a question to Marcele Maia, presenter from central HR about Careers at UCSD

(l-r) Josephine Alaoen, Brian Pierini, Mark Plummer, and Cheryle Wills

Jorge Rios, centerstage, talking about the campus resources available to staff for professional development and other perks/discounts exclusively for staff.

(l-r) Jamie Sung, Pat Tung, Kesha Miller, Jill Hartmann, Michelle Viernes, Laurie Castillo.

(l-r) Taylor Haglung, Tehseen Lazzouni, and Sheila Manalo

Human Resources Career Field Overview Pictures

On November 19th, Francesco Carusi got the ball rolling by presenting an cverview of the Human Resources career field. Some of the items up for discussion included typical responsibilities, rewards, and challenges in the profession.

Michael Yates next took the stage, giving the participants an idea of what it's like to work as the Director of Employment and Outreach Services at UCSD.

Maria Din and Katie Spencer followed seat describing their career progression.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What did you think about today?

Rah rah to all of you and a round of applause to our guest speakers for coming out to visit us today!

What did you think?
So that we can continue to provide you with programs that meet your professional needs, please let us know what you thought about the presentations.

Your opinions count, and

There are a total of THREE (3) surveys—each one with its own link and listed in order of today’s events.

CAREERS AT UCSD with Marcele Maia (Nov 19, 2008)

TOOLS FOR SUCCESS with Jorge Rios (Nov 19, 2008)


HUMAN RESOURCES CAREER FIELD OVERVIEW AND INFORMATION PANEL with Francesco Carusi, Michael Yates, Katie Spencer, and Maria Din (Nov 19, 2008)

Please fill out each one, and if you have questions, just give me a buzzzz.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Pictures of Pacific Hall, Rm 3500

This sign is from Ridge Walk, right in front of the Gym in Revelle College. If you see this sign, walk towards Revelle Plaza to get to Pacific Hall.

This is Pacific Hall, noticeable for its blue awnings. Go through the sliding doors and head on up to the third floor.

Enrollment Glitches -- fixing in progress

Some or all of you may have experienced a glitch when enrolling in the Human Resources Career Field Overview and Information Panel course.

We have contacted Staff Education and Enrollment to alert them to the problem, and this is the resolution we have so far:

* everyone on the "standby" list has been moved to the "enrolled" list
* all "enrolled" should receive a confirmation today via email

Please proceed with enrolling for the course despite any error messages: https://enrollmentcentral.ucsd.edu/sed_course.cfm?cdcrs=XHRUEXPLOR

Thanks for your patience!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Online Enrollment for Presentations on Wednesday, November 19th

Happy Monday!!!

Voila! and TaDa!

As promised, here are the online links to enroll for the Tools for Success/UCSD Resources and the Human Resources Career Field Overview and Career Information Panel taking place this Wednesday, November 19th at Pacific Hall, Room 3500.

By enrolling, you may receive credit for attending these presentations on your educational history recorded by Staff Education and Development.

Tools for Success:

Human Resources Career Field Overview and Career Information Panel:

See you Wednesday!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Online Registration Links Coming Your Way...

Be on the lookout for online registration links next week from uexplore@ucsd.edu.

These links will allow you to officially register for November 19th's sessions and get credit on your Staff Education and Development training and development history.

Congratulations, Alexis O'Banion!

Super Congratulations to Alexis O'Banion on her recent promotion!
On Monday, November 10th, Alexis started her new position
as the Internal Marketing Coordinator
at the UC San Diego Medical Center in Hillcrest.

Monday, November 10, 2008

November 19th Breakfast Goodies and Snacks

We don't provide lunch, but the breakfast goodies and snacks start the day off right.

We're going to try a different menu this time around and wanted to whet your appetites:

Assorted Yogurts
Fresh Fruit
Assorted Muffins with Butter and Jam
Scones with Butter and Jam
Mini Palmiers
Freshly-Baked Cookies

Enjoy the Yummies!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Home-Grown Spotlight: Michael Yates

“I enjoy helping others find careers.” Michael Yates, Manager of Professional Recruitment and Community Outreach, UCSD Vice Chancellor-Business Affairs Human Resources

As a young lad, Michael Yates dreamt of a career as a superstar athlete on the basketball court. And while he would still consider trading his pressed suit and tie for a pair of Air Jordan’s, Michael finds fulfillment in his work in human resources and in his role as the Manager of Professional Recruitment and Community Outreach (PRCO).

Michael Yates transferred to UC San Diego Human Resources with over 10 years of experience, occupying various professional appointments in the recruitment and outreach arena in the healthcare administration and academic administration fields. His first job in his career field specialization in employment was as a part-time recruiter with Hoag Hospital, and he credits the upward trajectory of his career to a combination of factors: strategy, networking, hard work, and luck. Without a doubt, participation in outside organization and training also served a key role in his successful appointment as PRCO Manager.

In this role, Michael is a vital member of the human resources team in the Vice Chancellor Business Affairs area of UC San Diego. As a senior manager, Michael works in partnership with other senior managers in the areas of Accommodation Counseling & Counseling Services, Benefits, Compensation, Employee Relations/Policy Development/Work Life, Equal Opportunity/Staff Affirmative Action, Faculty and Staff Assistance Program, Labor Relations, Staff Education and Development, Temporary Employment Services, Information Technology, Administrations Services, and Retirement Resource Center.

Michael works to achieve the focus of PRCO’s program: enhancing workforce diversity through efforts on campus and in the community; implementing a community relations program to promote UCSD's image as an employer of choice; and providing comprehensive professional services to the campus on Management and Senior Professional (MSP) recruitment and employment matters.

His attitude, experience, and abilities match the needs of his position and enable him to find fulfillment in a role that commonly moves between combing through the nitty gritty of employment law and connecting the dots to a grander, big picture and developing programs that deliver tangible results.

It’s a large mission, and Michael enjoys the challenge of interpreting new work laws and integrating them into UCSD employment practices. Michael enjoys helping others find their careers and luckily for UC San Diego, Michael feels like he’s found the right home with PRCO and human resources.

For more information about Michael, ask him questions at the November 19th Career Information Panel.

In the meantime, here are some more fun facts:
#1 Work Philosophy: Do what you love, and you don’t have to work. But if you have to “work,” learn to align your star with your boss’ star. Together you will shine brighter…If your boss doesn’t have a star or is a black hole, find another boss.
#2 Michael’s favorite day of the week is “Friday but Saturday is when I’m able to get the most work done.”
#3 Michael is the middle child
#4 Birthday: Oct 1st
#5 The last book he read was
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle

Congratulations Maissha Stewart!!!

Super Congratulations to Maissha Stewart on her recent promotion!
Maissha is now a vital member of Policy & Records Administration as the new Records Administration Assistant.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Pacific Hall, Room 3500 Map

Pacific Hall, Room 3500 is situated between Muir College and Revelle College. See the building highlighted in yellow.
The nearest general parking lot is "P 161".
Parking Lot "P 101" is designated as handicap parking.
Both lots are accessible from Scholars Drive South.

November 19, 2008--Room Location

The November 19th workshop session featuring Tools for Success and the Human Resources Career Field Overview and Career Information Panel is just around the corner.

And, now we've a meeting room!

With a tip from Alexis O'Banion, we checked out and liked Pacific Hall, Room 3500. This room is in the Chemistry and Biochemistry department and is listed as building "111" on the UCSD Campus Map.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Home-Grown Spotlight: Katie Spencer

Career Guru Advice of the Day #1:
“Do something you enjoy. Feel good about it and don’t take it with you when you leave at the end of the work day.”—Katie Spencer, Training Analyst, Geisel Library

Katie Spencer is a leader in planning and implementing training and development programs in support of UC San Diego Libraries’
strategic organizational goals. She has over 6.5 years of experience in the training and development career field, and accepted her most recent position at the Libraries in May 2006.

As the Training Analyst, Katie has been designing customized staff education and professional development workshops including new employee orientations, health and safety training, supervisory training, and technical training. She is a critical part of the human resources team at
Geisel Library, anticipating training needs, creating curriculum, and providing instruction.

Taking advantage of the vast resources available at UC San Diego, Katie has also partnered with other campus departments to meet the needs of the Libraries’ large group of staff, working with Career Connection, Staff Education and Development, Office of the Senior Vice Chancellor, Police Department, and Environment, Health, and Safety among others.

The road that Katie has taken to her current position has consistently been filled with teaching, learning, and exploration. Her first job in the field was as a fourth grade teacher in the Los Angeles Unified School District, and she went on to work in the private sector developing curriculum for a financial investment firm. Katie took a break from the hizzy tizzy working world to explore the sights and sounds across the Pacific and, luckily for us, she landed at UC San Diego.

For more information about Katie, ask her questions at the November 19th Career Information Panel.

In the meantime, here are some more fun facts:
#1 When asked how she was qualified for her first UC San Diego job, Katie replied that she got training through work experience and then applied, that she had transferable skills, and that she got lucky—and so did UC San Diego!
#2 Katie was the
2007 Winner of Staff American Idol for her performance of Aretha Franklin’s “Think”
#3 No Surprise! If Katie could experiment or moonlight in any other non UC San Diego job, she would definitely choose to be a musician.
#4 Katie is the youngest of four kids, comprised of two boys and two girls
#5 That last book Katie read:
The Girls by Lori Lansens
#6 Birthday: July 29th

Friday, October 24, 2008

And then there were 5...

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Thank you for completing the Survey Monkey about the MBTI Debriefing led by John Gates.

There's just a handful of five folks who haven't yet responded, and I'd like to give you a friendly nudgeroo.

*nudgeroo* *nudgeroo*

Also, for your convenience, the link to the survey is: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=oz3H3hY1rMIxpQKhyl6d_2fg_3d_3d

We're ahead of the curve

Talk about UCSD being forerunners and on the cutting edge?

While you were in debriefing last week with John Gates for the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the anchors of Good Morning America took their own personality inventories to find possible career matches...

From the ABC website:
"The 'GMA' anchors took the Self-Directed Search test, which matches personality with possible careers. The results so far have been surprising.
Sam Champion a judge? Chris Cuomo a hair stylist? Robin Roberts a lyricist?..."

Go figure!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Monkey What?

We've adopted Survey Monkey!
Wait--not this monkey:
Yes! this monkey:


Because we care about designing a program that meets your needs and expectations!

So what?

Be on the lookout for a survey about our MBTI Debriefing early next week!

*Rah* *Rah* John Gates *Rah* *Rah*

Thank you, John Gates!
As the first official guest presenter of UExplore, we appreciate your knowledge and instruction! Thank you for energizing us!

A Collaborative Effort

"MBTI is one of the frameworks every professional should be exposed to," John stated to the groups of participants, "It's powerful."

Knowing thyself was a key objective of the MBTI Debriefing led by
Staff Education and Development Principal Consultant John Gates, as were:
* building on our understanding of MBTI
* gaining clarity of personal perferences
* putting initial thought into "type and career"

Over the course of the 3.5 hours to follow, our group of
25 UExplore participants learned about the foundations of MBTI and participated in small and large group exercises to digest the nuances of "type and the individual," "type in the group," taking "type to career," and "type and the hierarchy of function."
Kimberly Bondad, Christina Knerr, Kesha Miller, and Michelle Viernes had a few laughs in coming up with descriptions that would illustrate the lighter side of their personalities. In this case, a picture is probably worth a thousand words.
Meanwhile, (l-r) Cheryl Wills, Jane Peterson, Crystal Warning, Sheila Manalo, Rick Baran, and Taylor Haglund get down to business in brainstorming what types of careers would be appealing for their personality type. Analytical-type jobs seemed to be an immediate hit with this group of thinkers.
This group skipped over the first two questions and went on to attack the third: "What are some careers that you feel drawn to (or at least intrigued by)?" Scott Paulson (center) dived right in, along with his teammates Cindy Hsu, Josie Alaoen, and Tehseen Lazzouni. They came to a consensus that student services and event planning would take good advantage of their personality types.
(l-r) Maissha Stewart, Macy Huynh, Jill Hartmann, and Alexis O'Banion tackled the same set of questions, and the sky was the limit for jobs that could take advantage of the imagination, resourcefulness, open-mindedness, and adeptness at verbal planning and short-range projects.

It was a day of collaboration and of nuggets learned. For one participant, she vocalized that reading the evaluation of her personality type helped her gain clarity about her preferences. For another, she saw that even though she has clear preference for keeping deadlines open and flexible, she had an enviable and highly-admired skill for making deadlines and being prompt.

Go figure!

Another nugget: We are working together here as part of a collaborative effort. UExplore will supply the expertise, and you, as the participants, supply the essential information about yourself. Together, we'll be successful in finding the best possible career match for you.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Customized MBTI Debriefing for UExplore Participants

Thanks to everyone for registering!

Only a handful of UExplore Pariticipants haven't yet registered for next Wednesday's debriefing.

Please sign up for this customized class via this link:

Linda & Wes

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

UExplore T-Shirts

Compliments of Alexis O'Banion's talents, we've come up with this design for the UExplore t-shirts. More information to come soon...

Monday, October 6, 2008

October 15th MBTI "Mmmmmm"

Who doesn't love a snack, right?

For next Wednesday's MBTI Debriefings, Wes put in the order for our light breakfast and afternoon snacks! It sounds mighty "mmmmm".

He recommended the French Country Breakfast from UCSD catering for the morning, and he selected the Half Cheese and Fruit Tray for the afternoon. We ordered a little over the minimum, figuring that many of you would've already had breakfast in the AM and just needed a bit of a pick-me-up for the afternoon. Who doesn't love a snack right?

Remember that UExplore participants are meeting in the mornin' and the UExplore panelists and guest speakers are comin' in the the afternoon. The meetings are in the Geisel Library, Seuss Room.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Be the first to know!

Want to be automatically notified each time there's a new post to the blog?

Email umailto:uexplore@ucsd.edu, and we'll ...

"Make It So!"

SCOOP! Career Connection unveils new staff enrichment programs!

Wow! Career Connection--creating opportunities, and it rocks!

Two new staff enrichment programs will be coming to UC San Diego within the next 4 months. Director of
Staff Education and Development Grace Balch had the honor of announcing the exciting news At Career Connection's 12th Annual Recognition Event on September 30th.

On schedule for a November 2008 rollout is the Mid-Level Professional Career Development Workshop Series.

Just around the corner--in January 2008--Career Connection will be opening the door to a special Career Development Series for Baby Boomers too!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Seuss Room Location

The Seuss Room is the go-to meeting place for most of our monthly sessions.

The red arrow is right where you can find us every third Wednesday of the month (except November and March)

See y'all here on October 15th for the MBTI Debriefing!
8:30-12:00 Participants
1:00-4:30 Panelists and Facilitators

Customized MBTI Debriefing for Panelists and Facilitators

Dear UExplore Guest Speakers,

A special class, MBTI Program for UExplore Panelists and Facilitators, has been created for UExplore’s volunteer guest speakers.

Please click on the link below to enroll in the class.

At the class, you’ll also get a copy of
Do What You Are. If you can’t wait you can pick it up anytime.

Enroll in the class if:
1) You took the MBTI on September 18th and would like your results
2) You did not take the MBTI on September 18th, but you are curious to:
*Get an overview of how various personality types are drawn to, satisfied by, or excel in certain career fields;
* Learn about the composition of personalities of the UExplore participants;
* Use the language of MBTI principles and theory in your career panel discussions and career track overview presentations

The class will be held on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 from 1:00pm – 4:30pm, in the Geisel Library, Seuss Room.

If you are unable to enroll via Enrollment Central, please attend the class, add your information to the sign-in sheet, and complete an Application for Enrollment Form which will be available from the instructor.

Thank you,

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

These lovely books...

Hi Everyone! These books are moving like hotcakes! Come by and pick up your copy! If I'm not here, just sign the sheet and take one to go.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Welcome Orientation 2008 Pictures

Panelist Shirley Higgins (left) with Participants Cheryle Wills, Crystal Warning, and Michelle Viernes

Bev Strobl is a UExplore career information panelist. She works in the Office of the Senior Vice Chancellor, and you'll see her at December 17th's Administrative Support information session.

Katie Spencer (left) will be a presenter at Nov 19th's HR session. You'll see Carol Schrammel (right) on April 15th's Program Administration career information panel.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Have you got yours yet?

I can't pull myself away from Do What You Are--the complimentary book that UExplore participants can pick up at 106 University Center.

I'm just guessing about my personality type, but when I thumb through all the chapter headings, I want to be all of them!

Afterall, don't these sound good to you?
The Public Relations Specialists (ENFJ)
Life's Entrepreneurs (ENTP)
Catalysts for Positive Change (INFJ)
Doing the Best I Can With What I've Got (ISTP)
It's the Thought That Counts (ISFP)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Speak Out!

Check out the survey to your left, and let us know what you want. Whenever there's a new article or entry, how do you want to find out about it?

Lots to Come: Articles of Upcoming Guest Presenters

A great, new feature that we'll be adding to our online community site is a "Home-grown" series, spotlighting the guest presenters you'll be meeting over the course of these next 9 months.

These guest speakers are UC San Diego staff professionals, and this introduction will be a jumping-off point for you to:
1) get to know each other
2) prepare questions you'll want to ask him/her individually

Be on the lookout for the next "Home-grown" in the next couple of weeks.

Ready for pick up!

The book, Do What You Are: Discover The Perfect Career For You Through The Secrets Of Your Personality Type, has arrived!

A complimentary copy for each UExplore participant is available at UExplore's office headquarters--otherwise known as 106 University Center.

A complimentray copy will also be distributed to UExplore facilitators and panelists during the October 15th MBTI debriefing.

You'll see either Linda or Wes to pick up your copy. You can come by:
Tuesday, 7:30am-11:30am; 1:30pm-2:00pm; 3:00pm-4:00pm
Wednesday: 7:30am-:10:30am; 11:45am-4:00pm
Thursday: 7:30am-4:00pm
Friday: 7:30am-4:00pm

The book is a fun read, and it includes the professional bios of folks who have personalities just like you. I liked how I could read profiles of real people and get information on why those careers work for them (and for me?). The information is detailed, but not overwhelming. The book gives lots of insight on what careers would be satisfying and enriching for all kinds of personality types.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Kick Off To An Exciting Year Ahead...

They’re Here! They’re Here!

First to arrive on the scene was Jamie Sung, UExplore Participant, who hails from NanoEngineering. She was greeted by the UExplore Welcoming Committee (i.e. Linda Thai Schlossman and Wes Kovarik) with a customized “Jamie Sung” reusable UExplore nametag (note: bring these back to each monthly session).
We'd been eagerly awaiting the arrival of this inaugural group of 25 participants. From philosophy to physical sciences, from engineering to Extension, this diverse group of 25 impressed us with their motivation to identify a compatible UC San Diego career field and commitment to personal professional development.

Only announced about two months ago, there was a high level of interest in the program. We received a substantial number of applications, and it was a tough decision to whittle it down to a smaller group of 25. Since the nature of UExplore is to help UC San Diego staff members make educated decisions regarding their professional goals, we would have loved to have offered each applicant a spot in the program. Ultimately, though, given space constraints and the positive learning environment that we wanted to support, it was only possible to invite a fraction of those who applied.

Opening Remarks
Facing an audience of about 45, Assistant Vice Chancellor Debbie McGraw welcomed the participants, UExplore Program Committee, and the UExplore Career Information Facilitators and Panelists in attendance.

Offering generous and hearty congratulations, she also shared the history of the program’s development, the importance of succession planning and knowledge transfer. Lastly, she imparted some very important words of wisdom—“Have Fun!”—to which the audience replied with open smiles, nodding heads, and loose laughs and giggles.

Birth Order, Birth Month, and Books
All I have to say about this is:
**I am the middle of 3 kids—one older sister, one younger brother. **I was born in February—say it aloud: “Feb-brew-rare-ree” **And, well...I’ll skip what book I last read and, instead, reiterate: “I was born in Feb-brew-rare-ree”

In all semi-seriousness, what a fantastically diverse group of folks we are? We’re reading the whole gambit of literature—from Mark Plummer’s All Quiet on the Western Front or Cheryl Will’s Anna Karenina to Bobb Barile’s selection on zombies, World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War.

It was fantastic getting to know each other, putting more pieces of the puzzle together in what promises to be a great adventure ahead…

Thursday, September 18, 2008

It's Alive!

Good morning, UExplore participants and volunteers! This long-awaited day has arrived, it's an exciting beginning! Enjoy the introductions, the MBTI, and keep posted to our online community site.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Resource

We haven't even taken the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) yet, but we've got a preview of what's to come at the October 15th session for the debriefing. The book, Do What You Are by Paul D. Tieger and Barbara Barron-Tieger.

WELCOME ORIENTATION (September 18, 2008)

The UExplore Welcome Orientation is ready, set, and go for this Thursday, September 18th, and it promises to be an exciting time. We are all excited about welcoming our inaugural class of participants, whose breadth of experience, motivation, curiosity, and committment to personal professional development are are to be commended. Get ready to have a good time, with an introduction from Assistant Vice Chancellor Debbie McGraw, followed by--you guessed it--an ice breaker! We're really looking foward to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator--not just because it segues to the Mexican Fiesta Buffet, but because knowing your personality type can help you with career planning at every stage in your professional development.